Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hope you had a good Summer, buddies!

today I was doing some reference for my first 3d shot in a long time, because of the 2D movie. roughed out some keys in the afternoon, but geez. haha. This is for a pilote for a tv-series, so it will ook better when it's done. Wwe finished the animatic for it yesterday. Just wanted to share something new with you guys :) i'm glad you liked my bachelor movie, The Reward! How are you, and what are you working on in these times!!

oh yeah, imagine this guys has some powershields he uses as weapons :)

Mr. Mainz 


  1. Those are some very loud pants, sir! Ha! Great job fighting all the bad guys, really. It's awesome work! Can't really say I've been working on too much this summer. Between working at my frustratingly boring job at Target, I have managed to waste away the few months of nothingness between the end of last semester and the one that starts next week. Jenny and I will be graduating (finally!) in December and from there, who knows!? I wish the future came with instruction manuals. Hopefully I will end up making more money than what my current situation is providing, but I'm a glass half-full kinda guy. I think things need to get bad before they get better so I am hoping that this is the valley before the mountain, as it were.

    At any rate, I have a class that I am really excited about this coming semester. It is essentially a guided study where I can do just about anything I want. For my proposal, I have decided to do a study on story and how characters can portray them in animation. That is one thing that has been lacking in the animation department at good ol' SHSU, and I intend to leave this place having the faculty realize that they need to emphasize that alongside technical jibber jabber. More of that to come in the next few months.

    I am excited to hear what everyone is doing lately and I hope that we see each other sometime in the near future.


  2. very good to here how things are going for you! There are never no good without the sour. I;m sure you will find the way to awe! which by the way reminds me!!! that my director here in Paris, reminds me a lot of you! he is the french Ross in many ways, and then he is super talented, and he is currently giving me some nice water colour tricks :) have a great start on your new semester, and say hej to your lovely family. and let's soon see each other, and keep the blog alive!! your friend, Mikkel!
