Thursday, January 6, 2011

also a great new year to you two!!! may you both get a year of fortune and wealth and success.


  1. actually, Malene broke up with me a week ago. life is not just fun, though most of the time it is too nice and crazy, i can hardly understand it. well, remember that you two are awfully unique, I can't wait till we meet again. ciao bella

  2. Mikkel! I am really sorry to hear that. It is never easy dealing with those kinds of things, but take heart in knowing that this is a new year full of new adventures that await you. I wish I had the money right now to fly to Denmark and see those golden kebabs once more, walk the streets like a rabid goose, and Tuborg...oh the Tuborg. Just keep doing what you're doing, my man. God bless.

  3. oh mikkel, i am very sorry sir. that is certainly no fun :( she just wasn't good enough is the thing. just keep the spirit alive man!

  4. thank you guys! yup life's too short for worries, but it was 3 great years! I wonder what this changes in my epic life tale... I actually met a real orc this morning. sometimes I lie. I think we will all have an eventful new year, no doubt. and John... that picture you just linked. it can cure anything. like jesus. stay foxy
