Friday, September 24, 2010

Goblins, trolls, etc.

So I have been thinking a lot about the hierarchy of goblins lately. Does it go: imp-goblin-hobgoblin-orc-troll-ogre? I'd like to know this. It is damned imperative...but not really. I'd like to start sketching these, maybe something akin to Brian Froud. Thoughts

Like this sorta.


  1. a very good question sir-man. it really made me think over a boil of noodles. I believe the imps are more on the the devil side and really doesn't share a lot with the goblinoids. but maybe they are attracted by them in some way because of all the chaos they spread. the trolls are definitly after the ogres, because of the fact that they can regenerate if they are not burned, they are also more intelligent. if it is the tolkien universe though, they turn to stone if sun light hit them. that's a weak spot. but they doesn't really trust in orcs and ogres etc. I think that kobolds are before goblins. I think it is a great idea you got there Ross. I will sketch them too. then we should upload them here. Brian froud has a really awesome style, very nice coloring, must take a while to draw. but I think I will try out this guys style: he has drawn for the hobbit, and I think he is so cool.

  2. i shall join you in your quest! i have really been especially enjoying drawing lately. i think it is the lovely weather that is seeping deep into my soul bones. i have no idea of the hierarchy though. i will have to research this and also perhaps get the clint-brain on it

  3. also, you guys always know of the coolest artists! these guys have very inspiring work
